Keeping Pests at Bay: Your Essential Guide to Spring Cleaning Outdoors

March 21, 2024
Presto Pest Solutions

Spring is upon us, and while homeowners often focus on sprucing up the interiors of our homes, it's equally important to pay attention to the exterior. As temperatures rise, nature awakens and pests are on the move. What are they looking for? Food, shelter, and someone to love

By taking proactive steps to clean up your outdoor space, you can help stop pests (like spiders, wasps, rodents, and ants) in their tracks. At Presto Pest Solutions, we understand the importance of preventative measures in our proven integrated pest management methods. Let us guide you through some essential spring cleaning tips for the outdoors at your home in Boise or Meridian.

Keeping outdoor spaces clean can help stop pests issues from emerging.

1. Clear Away Debris: Remove accumulated debris from your yard, such as leaf litter, branches, and piles of mulch. These cozy hiding spots are the perfect environment for pests to nest and thrive, so it's crucial to keep things clean and neat.

2. Trim Overgrown Vegetation: Pests find harborage in overgrown bushes, shrubs, and trees. Trimming back vegetation and maintaining a tidy landscape around your home's foundation and eaves reduces the risk of pest infestations.

3. Inspect and Repair Structures: Gaps around windows, doors, vents, and utility entry-points allow pests to enter your home unchecked. Use caulk to seal small gaps, and secure larger openings in structural vents with steel wool or construction mesh.

4. Clean Outdoor Furniture and Structures: Food crumbs and beverage spills left on outdoor furniture and structures can attract pests like ants, wasps, and mice. Thoroughly clean and inspect these items, paying special attention to hidden corners and crevices where pests may hide.

5. Address Standing Water: Swampy grass or pasture, or even standing water in your yard is not only a mosquito’s love shack, but can also attract other pests seeking moisture. Ensure proper drainage around your home and fix leaks or clogs to eliminate standing water.

6. Secure Garbage and Recycling Bins: You know the old saying: One man’s trash[can] is another [pest’s] treasure [trove of delicious food ripe for consumption under the concealment of night].” Use tightly fitting lids and store bins away from your home's exterior to deter rodents and other scavengers.

7. Prompt Cleanup: Pet waste in your yard does more than give you another reason to yell at your pet and kids…it’s “already digested food” for flies, maggots, and rodents. Keep a lined trash can handy, and regularly remove pet waste to the large bin. Flies will be attracted to your doo-doo-schute, so have a professional treat it with muscicide to keep them flying buggers down. 

8. Invest in Professional Pest Control: While DIY methods can temporarily relieve minor pest problems, a professional pest control service can provide comprehensive solutions for your year-round pest issues. At Presto Pest Solutions, we offer expert pest control services in the Boise and Meridian areas, specializing in rodent control, spider control, ant control, and more.

As you incorporate these spring cleaning tips into your outdoor maintenance routine, you will create a less hospitable environment for pests and help protect your home from infestations. For personalized pest control solutions and peace of mind, trust the experts at Presto Pest Solutions to keep your home pest-free all year round. Contact Presto Pest Solutions today at 208-510-0307!