"As year-round pests, mice are resilient creatures, and our homes are the perfect venue for them to lead a thriving existence. At Presto, we use a combination of bait stations, traps, and exclusion techniques to quickly gain control of the mouse population at your home. Simply put, we are professional exterminators, who deliver results. With rodent problems, you don't want to wait. If you suspect or see evidence of mice or rat activity, call Presto Pest Solutions before you do anything else. "
HOW TO Know if you have mice
Mouse droppings are a dead give-away that you've been visited my Walt Disney's favorite pest. Mouse droppings are a little bigger than a grain of rice, pointy on both ends, and dark brown/ black. Mice have no control over their bowels, so their droppings come out whenever, where-ever.
Inspect food bags for chewed-through holes. Stored grains like rice, wheat, oatmeal, as well as pet food, bird feed, and grass seed are all quality food sources for hungry rodents. Check the shadowy parts of your pantry, as well as under your kitchen sink or low cupboards. Droppings and trailed food are tell-tale signs of rodents
Also check in the garage or shed. If you can see daylight through gaps in the doors weatherstripping or seals, a mouse can get in!
You probably won't be able to smell a small rodent, but you can often hear them when they're in the walls or attic. Squirrels and birds can make a lot of noise, but if you hear scratching or chewing sounds...likely a small rodent.
See Price to Eliminate MiceHow To Prevent Mice
Standing water can draw lots of different pests, including rodents. Eliminate areas of standing water around your property to disincentivize rodents from coming around.
Don't leave your bird feed, grass seed, or pet food in the bag. Use strong, locking totes or buckets to prevent your storage from becoming their grocery stores.
A hole bigger than your pinky is big enough for a mouse can get in. Any hole bigger than your thumb and a rat can get in. Crawlspace vents with hose or piping coming out are usual suspects for easy rodent access to your crawl space. Close up holes with expanding foam and steel wool.
One man's trash is a rodent's treasure. Throw away food scraps after meals and hand-wash or place dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Remove garbage to the large receptacle regularly.
Cartoon mice are never portrayed as carriers of disease or causing structural damage to homes. But in the real world, they’re true pests. Let’s take a look at a few of the reasons why you don’t want a mouse in the house.
Mice have adapted to thrive in many different environments from rural to urban, and anywhere in between. They are curious while being cautious, socially cooperative while being aggressive, territorial and migratory (adolescent male mice will go looking for new places to start their family). When they breed (between 5-10 times a year) it takes less than 3-weeks for the babies to be born, and the mom mouse is ready to breed again that day. With all of these traits, it's no wonder that mice are a nuisance that can become a huge problem in your home in short order.
They chew through insulation on wires, causing damage to important wiring, and causing a serious risk of fire. Because they're incontinent, your keep sakes or stowed decorations aren't safe from being urinated or defecated on by a brood of mice living up in your attic or basement. Mice and rats are vectors for disease. That means they are animals that carry illnesses that can affect humans. Mice can be carriers of hantavirus, listeria, and salmonellosis, and you could potentially contract those from the poop, pee, or nesting materials without ever coming in contact with actual mice.
Sometimes rodents can be sneaky enough to cohabitate with you for a while before being discovered. When mice and rat populations get too big for available resources, that's when we see them coming into contact with humans. Which means if you're seeing rodent activity during the day, or in places you're not likely to see rodents, there's a population someplace else just busting at the seams.
Because mice are highly social, they rarely infest as individuals. If you notice a rodent problem in or around your home, it's important to act quickly before the problem gets worse; a mouse population for example can reach 200 individuals under ideal circumstances in a single month.
Our rodent bait stations are child and pet friendly. And our seasonal pest program is our most popular because mice are included in your basic package. Every time we come out to treat for bugs, we'll also monitor for rodent activity. If we notice any, we'll take action to get it under control!
See Price to Eliminate Mice